Spring is here and it is great to start spending more time outside. There are many reasons why being outside is good for us, be it relaxation, exercise, time to recharge or time to unwind. We all know that being outside in nature is healthy, whether that involves taking a walk, flying a kite or working in the garden (my choice for the way to spend ‘quality time’). What ever the reason why we we enjoy being outside, the sunshine offers us a way to absorb Vitamin D naturally.
In fact, Dr. Andrew Weil’s web site (www.drweil.com) describes Vitamin D as the “sunshine vitamin” because our bodies synthesize this vitamin by exposure to sunlight. Dr. Weil lists five
The 'Farm' at Medford Leas
reasons how this important hormone is used throughout the body:
It is recommended to get 20 to 30 minutes of exposure to the sun’s light each day (depending upon your skin pigmentation). Take care to wear the proper clothing to avoid over exposure. Additional information on Vitamin D and to see if you are getting your share, check out Dr. Weil’s web site at:
So, the next time someone asks you why you are spending so much time in your garden, remind them that you are getting your daily dose of Vitamin D. Enjoy!
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