The idea for an organic vegetable garden within the grounds of the White House seems to be gaining interest and momentum. I first heard the suggestion during a radio interview with Michael Pollan, author of ‘In Defense of Food‘, The Penguin Press in which Mr. Pollan talked about the need to return to creating of home and community gardens. The idea has been raised again, this time in the Wall Street Journal, on January 16, 2009 in the Weekend Journal. The article “Extreme Makeover: White House Edition” by Dominique Browning talks about redecorating the White house for the Obamas as well as looking at ways to make the overall residence ‘greener’.
The WSJ article suggests that “the Obamas can kick off another Victory Garden movement in America’s suburbs, but it needs a new name…try Sunshine Gardens, symbolizing a return to sustainable farm practice using a plentiful energy supply.” I would like to explore the idea further in the coming months and see where it all leads.
I think that we can and should expand on this notion. There are infinite number of possibilities as people grow their own vegetables. Backyards, front yards, balconies, roof tops, etc, are all feasible locations for raising fresh organice produce. Creating Sunshine Gardens will be good for everyone and not just in single family residences. There are opportunities to develop gardens in schools, hospitals, etc. People who want to ‘age-in-place’ will consider raising their own fresh vegetables in raised planters. The list goes on and on. This is a subject that will be explored further and actual examples of how it is being conducted today will be presented. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Medford Community Gardens - Spring
The link to the WSJ article can be found at the following link:
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