The interest in community gardens is growing. This has been shown by surveys conducted by the Garden Writers Association. It appears that there approximately 3 million people would like to participate in a community garden in 2009. To help meet this demand, the U. S. Department of Forestry has announced that it will create community gardens at all of it’s facilities world wide.
According to the report, “the USDA community garden project will include a wide variety of garden activities including Embassy window boxes, tree planting, and field office plots. The gardens will be designed to promote “going green” concepts, including landscaping and building design to retain water and reduce runoff; roof gardens for energy efficiency; utilizing native plantings and using sound conservation practices.”
Sunflowers in the community garden
Additional information on this program, and to find out if there is an opportunity to participate, go to the USDA’s web page for more information on their community garden program:!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?contentidonly=true&contentid=2009/02/0042.xml
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